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The Couple Getting Together on This New Year’s Eve

edit_squareMoyori Haruna


Will friendship between a man and woman turn into love? Shima-san and Kitazawa-kun have been friends since their school days. The two of them are always together, but just as friends and nothing more. After graduating from university, Shima-san found a job at a company. Kitazawa-kun continues to pursue his dream of becoming a manga artist. They were so comfortable and used to that relationship for the longest time, but they both realize they’re always thinking about each other. This is a story about the 365 days it took for the two, who were convinced that friendship could exist between a man and woman, to become lovers.

<Release Formats>

・Single Chapter:30chapters【Concluded】

・Digital Volume:6volumes【Concluded】

・配信ストア:All stores

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