About us

Three Features of the DigiCata Editorial Department

At our company, we have partnerships with many creators as part of our content business in the digital industry.
With strengths in producing manga content, we are able to provide speedy and high-quality titles thanks to our unique production techniques and network.
In addition, we have a network that can provide titles to almost all existing e-book sites within Japan, enabling us to widely promote our content.

Partnership With Creators

As the demand for manga content has been rapidly increasing these days, distributing technologies have also diversified. But at the same time, advanced production techniques are now required of authors. In the electronic publishing industry, requests for the production of full-color titles are increasing, and it is becoming extremely difficult for one author to handle the entire process from planning to production.

Therefore, our company has secured a high-quality and speedy production system by dividing up the work into separate stages and multiple authors. In these stages of creating new titles, we provide many creators with a chance to make their public debut.

Partner Creators

In addition to our own brand, we also offer authors to write manga upon request from electronic bookstores and publishers.
As a business partner, we will act in place of a manager for creators.

Channel Establishment

The DigiCata Editorial Department has established a channel on Piccoma.
Due to this establishment, we have now created an environment that makes it easier to deliver titles to readers.

YouTube Channel Establishment

To promote our titles using an innovative approach, we have started a YouTube channel.
We are currently posting videos of titles from our newly established Teen’s Love label “SmoooCH!

